History files are created for the purpose of establishing a regular order or a sequence in which information is maintained over time, when aging members are likely to separate and younger members are left to recreate.

20140320-Both Kentucky and North Carolina is in a quandry about who will pay for the cleanup of their river pollution. Carbon Ash and Industrial Waste has polluted Public Drinking water in those States for over a month now. Industry and Republican State leaders insist the general public will be responsible for the cost, although, the public had nothing to do with polluting their river water.

CARBON TRACKER.ORG   20140305-The CARBON TRACKER INITIATIVE has produced an environmental impact study of the KXL pipeline. This report and its findings are distubingly difference from reports generated by the State Department. The Carbon tracker report was developed by a private businessman associated with Deutsche Bank and who is someone who was well connected to the future development of fossil fuels, profit and affects on the global economy and environment. The study done by the State Department was conducted by the American Petroleum Institute.

20140205-Keystone Pipleline-Former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar believes the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada should be built, speaking at an energy conference in Houston Today. That the pipeline could be built safely, as long as conditions were imposed. These conditions would require pipeline operators to meet tough environmental standards and even pay for conservation programs along the pipeline route. Salazar also told The Associated Press that the pipeline could be a "win-win" project that benefits U.S. energy security while boosting conservation efforts in Montana, South Dakota and other affected states. Salazar's comments follow a State Department report last week that raised no major environmental objections to the $7 billion pipeline. The pipeline would carry oil from western Canada to refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast.

20131118-Today, The Department Of Energy reports, 'Oil Production for the first time in 30 years' IS NOW HIGHER IN THE U.S. than the oil we import from other countries.
ENVIRONMENT-Congress, in July 2013 will be taking up Environmental Issues. Stay Connected here for the discussions that will follow.

20130421-The Texas Fertilizer Plant is Just another example of Under-Regulartory Inspection and the Federal Agency's lack of funding & resources for protecting the American worker from unscrupulous Corporate thieves who hire minorities, with minimum wage in unbearable work conditions, without safety equipment in a endless maze of occupational hazards.

Communications: Official Launch 20130424 7:30 A.M.

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