History files are created for the purpose of establishing a regular order or a sequence in which information is maintained over time, when aging members are likely to separate and younger members are left to recreate.

Justice Scalia was interviewed by Fox News. He explained 'The Right To Bear Arms' may have limitations. i.e., you can not bear a Cannon but can bear an Anti-Aircraft Rocket. 'HOPE & CHANGE' within the Republican Party?

Mississippi TRAP Law-Pro-Family?
The Governor for the State of Mississippi has required Certified 'Out of State' OBGYN Doctors to obtain Admitting permission to Private Hospitals to perform safe and legal abortions for which is now being denied by Hospitals.

Austerity is a Republican Value
Congress, regularly increases our debt ceiling & extends Federal Funds for maintaining 'minimal Government'. Austerity & Uncertainty appears to be a Republican solution to increase unemployment, cut benefits, & keep Wages low. The European Model.

To The Parents of Brian Terry
When an 18 year old with an I.D. and no criminal record, can legally buy any number of assault weapons and emediately walk outside & legally resell to Mexican Cortel King-Pins. It was the Gun-Laws of the State of Arizona that killed your son.

Patience Focused Health-Care
is the new name given to the Repubican version of their Repeal & Replace Health-Care program. Nobody knows about this because noone has seen it. The last stage of grief is acceptance. Dont be blinded by the right!

Gasoline Prices
In August, hurricane waves from the continent of Africa will be increasing in frequency. As Larger storms enter the Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Production may be less, as Louisiana Workers evacuate and seek safety with their families.

What is uncertainty?
Uncertainty is when noone can predict future cost. For example, when Congress does not pass a Long-Term solution to a Long-Term problem. Increasing the debt ceiling through continuing resolutions, & never passing an annual budget.

Who is your Government?
A Plutocracy is a Governing Body and ruled by the Richest of Society. An Olagarchy is a Governing Body and ruled by a particular Class or Cult in Society. A Democracy is a Governing Body and ruled by of and for its people.

Healthcare Exchanges
Gov. Bobby Jindal failed to exercise his State right to create Healthcare Exchanges, but the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution returns power to the Federal Government that does allow for creating Exchanges on the public's behalf.

Expanding Medicare
Gov. Bobby Jindal will not accept a 100% Federal Funded expansion of Medicare over the next 5 years and a matching 95% in the out years. Wouldn't it be great if healthcare professionals got paid for their services!

Affordable Care Act
The Supreme Court has rendered its decision on the ACA. The Individual Mandate was upheld and those called FREE-RIDERS who can afford to pay for Healthcare and don't will be called Taxpayers. About 1% of the population.

The Boston Globe
newspaper obtained Mitt Romney's SEC filing of 1999. He claims, he was not with Bain Capitol after 1999, but was listed as CEO, Chairman, a 100% Stock Ownership with an annual salary greater than $100,000 between 1999-2003.

The Hillary-Care Proposal
When Hillary Clinton first proposed a Healthcare solution, she proposed an Employer-Mandate without Pre-existing Conditions or Life-Time Cap. The Heritage Foundation & Republicans rejected that proposal, favoring the Individual-Mandate.

The Obama-Care Proposal
When President Barrack Obama supported the Republican Individual Mandate, adding children under age 26, & expanding Medicare coverage, Republicans rejected that proposal, saying the Individual-Mandate was Unconstitutional.

Romney, emails Republican Governors
His message on the, President's failing economy, was not resignating with independent voters in Swing-States, So he emailed all Republican Governors to tone-down the echolades of their personal economic accomplishments.

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